It all began with an idea.

Once upon a time on a cold, dark winter’s night, Rosalie Bird invited a few friends to visit her cozy home and build some paper lanterns.

The community was in the midst of the pandemic and struggling with division on so many issues. It was during the shortest days of winter and everyone was feeling so very separated from all their friends and neighbours.

The lantern building workshops and resulting festival came together effortlessly and organically. Most of the details and planning falling into place as though it was meant to be.

With the generous help of many willing volunteers, the community embraced the idea and the “Spark in the Dark” New Denver Lantern Festival was born. A wild success for such a small little village. We even welcomed a CBC Journalist to the festival, who reported back to the world about our amazing community spirit and energy.

This year we are now entering our 3rd festival period. With new workshops to be held at Knox Hall. As we go, there are a few tweaks and refinements along the way to improve on last year’s festival.

This is an open invitation; all are welcome. Join us with your lantern creation on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 4:45 pm at the entrance to the Kohan Reflection Garden to start the parade!

For more details and a map of the parade, go to Festival Schedule.

Thank you to our supporters

Rosalie Bird - Chief Spark and Chair

Leanne Fulton - Director

Vern Gustafson - Director

Roni Jurgensen - Vice Chair

Jude Louwerse - Director

Colin Moss - Secretary and Treasurer

Janet Quesnel - Director

The Spark Team